The Adventures of JUMBO-MAN

They are all milling about when JUMBO-MAN strides MANfully into the room. He feels good. He feels he looks good. He is equipped today with his Red Cape, his Pow'r-Bi-Ceps, his Ultra-Chic Physique and his Pantophasic Degenerator. He feels good. He says, I'm JUMBO-MAN. He says, I'm here now. Never felt better, he states. He declares, I'm right where I want to be. He shouts, I'm important. He yells, Look at me. He screams, Look at me. They mill.

A woman comes up behind him and taps him on the shoulder. He whirls Pow'rfully. She says, "Ian?" He hates it when they call him that. She says, "Ian? It's me, Susan." She is three feet shorter than he is. He could crush her like an eggshell. She says, "Remember? I'm Mrs. Conlan's daughter." He could fell her like a tree. He could say, I'm JUMBO-MAN. He says it. He could yell, I'm HERE now. He yells it. He could proclaim, I WILL VANQUISH MY FOE. He proclaims it. He flexes his Pow'r-Bi-Ceps. He pounds his fist into the wall. The entire room collapses. He feels he looks good.

She says, "Ian? Can you talk?" He whispers, I'm on a secret mission. She says, "I think there's something wrong with you. I'm going to get a doctor." No doctors! He can't allow that! He grabs her and leaves the room, flies her to his secret desert hideaway, and locks her in with enough food and water to last forever, then flies back to the room. She says, "There's Dr. Michaelis over there. I'm going to go get him." No doctors! He can't allow that! He grabs her and leaves the room, gets into his TurboHiSpeedBulletOMatic, drives her to his secret mountain hideaway, and locks her in with enough food and water to last forever, then flies back to the room. She says, "You stay right here until I come back." She disappears into the crowd.

A puny, puny, tiny dwarf notices him, walks up to him, and sneers a tiny, tiny sneer on his minuscule face. The tiny dwarf says, "Well, CHUCK?" He hates it when they call him that. He's JUMBO-MAN. He flows like waterfalls. He smells like roses. He tastes like filet mignon. I'm JUMBO-MAN, he screams. He grabs the little tiny dwarf and crushes him in his fist. The puny dwarf squeaks, "You want to have it out here, or should we go outside, you goddamn geek?" JUMBO-MAN takes out his Pantophasic Degenerator, sights carefully, and fires. "Fucking dipshit coward, you're getting yours right here!" the very very small tiny insignificant dwarf asserts in his high, shrill voice. The incomprehensibly unimportant dwarf has an unbelievably infinitesimal gun in his puny hand. JUMBO-MAN laughs; the midget fires; JUMBO-MAN feels a tiny harmless insignificant pinprick and dies.

© 1997-2001 Narciso Jaramillo third person | dyslexikon | nj's face